N.I.C.E.R.R. to KNOW

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Spent the weekend working and watching "Girlfriends" marathon on Centric which means I have a lot of undone work ;-)

Watching "Girlfriends" and seeing Joan's over sized red clutch brought back memories of one of my first style assignments. My sister's hairstylist, at the time, was amazed by my sister having what she called a "Joan Clutch". My sister informed her I bought the clutch and her hairstylist ordered me to find her some Joan clutches! This was long before SIDE OF STYLE but it's part of the reason "SIDE OF STYLE" was created. From time to time I have my "I MISS Girlfriends FITS" as seen here last February in MY 2-STYLE-CENTS. I would love to know what Joan and crew are up to, on updated episodes, as far as life and style goes! This show led me to research Christian Louboutin and fall in love with his designs long before the "RED BOTTOM" craze. Can't you tell I really miss this show LOL? *Insert sad face here*

And last but certainly not least I have to salute and give thanks to "Girlfriends" Costume Designer Stacy Beverly...THANKS FOR THE INSPIRATION!


  1. One of my favorite shows. I wish they bring it back. I think i will invest in buying the seasons of the show! perfect show for a girls night !!
