N.I.C.E.R.R. to KNOW

Friday, October 5, 2012

THAT Thing


I came across the letter from the editor (at Stylewhipped), below, and felt sharing it on N.I.C.E. was a must...it’s like Alison read my mind! Many are into fashion these days…from school age girls/boys to the old heads. But, in my opinion, being into fashion doesn’t automatically mean one exudes THAT personal style (We all know the "IT" and "THAT" factor don't we?). I agree with EVERYTHING below, excellent write up Alison…and I salute the fact that people that are "different" in so many ways can come together and get the job done! If you care to check out Stylewhipped click HERE:

Letter From the Editor: It's Personal

We preach the importance of having "style" everyday here at Stylewhipped. But I think sometimes, many people get the wrong impression when they hear that word. Style isn't necessarily about fashion, it isn't necessarily about spending a lot of money, and it certainly isn't necessarily about following trends and being like everyone else. Your style is perhaps the single most personal thing about you...and learning to cultivate and enhance that is what we are all about.

Our team is a fantastic example of extremely different personal styles that all manage to still be amazing and "fashionable." There are no two of us who are mirror images of each other, which is why I chose this specific group of people. We are not "team Zoe" who all wear the same platform heels, the same oversized sunglasses and use the same catchphrases. We are real people with different aesthetics and interests, different bodies, different backgrounds, and different views on how much any single garment should ever cost! And while we are all covering different topics, it all circles back to style.

When discovering your own personal style, go with your gut, but listen to the experts (ahem...). Think about the image you want to project to the world...do you want to be elegant? glamorous? trendy? edgy? Take into consideration who you really are and what you are innately drawn to, and then try going a tiny bit out of your comfort zone. We are here to offer inspiration and ideas...but inspiration can come from almost anywhere - an exotic place you've traveled to, a song you've listened to over & over again, a painting you could stare at for hours, or a person you admire. Consider what will make you smile when you put it on (or what will make you happy to come home to...because true style spills over into interior decor and how we live our lives), what makes you feel attractive, or confident, or proud. Remember that just because something is expensive, it isn't stylish...and vice versa - just because something is $10, it doesn't mean you can't make it fabulous.

Because Stylewhipped's team is comprised of so many different styles (Joseph is straight off the runway, Rebecca is a modern Audrey Hepburn, Jenn is our rocker girl, Sherin is elegant & opulent all at once, Danielle is edgy & trendy. And then there's me...inspired by the glam 1970's, devoted to 5-inch heels & colorful prints, and driven to be "fancy" all the time), we are ready for any and all questions you might have for us...so leave a comment below (or email us) and we'll answer you right away!

And no matter what, make sure you enjoy establishing your own style...because if that's not fun, what is?!

~ Alison

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