Log on to www.facebook.com/sideofstyle for more info!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Darling Nicky
I’ve always checked for Nicky Hilton, even when Paris Hilton was the girl to watch I always thought her sister’s style and poise were more intriguing. So glad to see Nicky let the The Coveteur into her private space to get shots of her latest fashion obsessions. This shoot took me back to Nicky’s In Style Magazine shoot a couple of years ago that blew my mind then and she’s still capable of blowing my mind now! I love her timeless/classic style, below are a few of my favorite sets from the shoot…I stare…I sigh…
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
N.I.C.E. and Down
Had an evening appointment to meet a client at STARBUCKS and I showed up in the outfit below. I noticed that I have been in this denim shirt ALOT since last summer when I bought it...I know it hates to see me approaching LOL! Dressing for a down day has turned into my best friend, cool thing about dressing "down" is you still can add a side of STYLE!
My serious art photo face (2nd photo) above is tickling me LOL…I can’t pose to save my life SMH…
Monday, June 27, 2011
N.I.C.E. Sample Plate
One last SAMPLE PLATE from SIDE OF STYLE’s latest project: Stripes, denim, gold, lion, and a scarf with a SIDE OF STYLE:
Sunday, June 26, 2011
N.I.C.E. and Simple
Hoping everybody had a good weekend! I spent mine working, not complaining at all though. I did take some time out to attend my cousin's graduation Friday evening. I showed up in the outfit below and had to remove the glasses due to tears, I'm so proud of what you've become cousin!
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Weekend Wedgie
I know, no "i" in "Wedge" but you get the picture...and hopefully that picture is easier on the eyes than an actually wedgie!
Enjoy your weekend!
I got a LION in my pocket...
I took that LION out of my pocket and stuck it where I saw fit. Hoping SIDE OF STYLE's sample plates are just enough to make one crave the entree....
Thursday, June 23, 2011
N.I.C.E. and Easy
Don't know what to wear to that GIRL'S NIGHT OUT shindig this weekend? It's probably in your closet staring back at you...
(Oh how I wish I was a A or B-Cup at times LOL)
N.I.C.E. x Leather
Currently going through the Fall/Winter pieces in my styling closet and noticed I have a lot of leather pants/shorts/skirts on hand. Styled a look with a pair of leather trousers I picked up at www.randomidentitystore.com . I know it's hot outside at the moment but leather trousers are hotter, love them!
(First photo from November 2010 SIDE OF STYLE sample look, second photo from SIDE OF STYLE’s current styling project)
N.I.C.E. Size Plate
More SIDE OF STYLE sample plates are on the way, hopefully you’re hungry and craving STYLE! www.facebook.com/sideofstyle
Am I the only one that remembers the craziest movie lines? Like the line from Menace II Society “Keisha! Bring Mr. Butler a plate!” And Mr. Butler calmly chimes in “A nice-size plate, Keisha.”
(Hence the title of this post LOL)
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
N.I.C.E. and Sweet
I recently styled a photo shoot for www.highheeljunkie.com and www.mytrendyplace.com and I was super excited to see HIGH HEEL JUNKIE with Kandee shoes in their pile of goodies for me to pull from! The shoe that I did not want to part with that day is on sale for less than $120.00 which equals a steal for that buttery leather goodness. The models said they were super comfy too ladies! Think they look yummy on the photo? You should see them in person…check out more yumminess on sale at www.kandeeshoes.com
N.I.C.E. Sample Plate
Yet another sample plate from SIDE OF STYLE'S latest project: Yellow straps, denim, a lion head, vintage Versace, and gold with a SIDE OF STYLE. Yummy, who wants thirds?
N.I.C.E. Weakness
A vintage tee or a tee with a vintage look/image gets me going every time! These days I’m throwing them under blazers paired with trousers or finding ways to include them while styling a client. I can’t get enough of them and I’ll gladly spend half a day rummaging through tees until I find that ONE. From Princess Diana to Tupac don’t throw them away…send them my way!
(First Image: Model Dariel styled by me for her January 2010 photo shoot, Second Image: Teacher Jessica Mark styled by me in a wild card look for her BIG REVEAL styling session in May 2011, Third-Fourth-and Fifth Image made my heart skip a beat while surfing EBAY)